Therapeutic massage incorporates a variety of advanced modalities that enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. Light to firm touch is used to release tension, relax muscles, increase blood and lymph circulation, and impart a sense of calm. Therapeutic massage can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury, alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body. Also, regular massage can enhance health, providing relaxation, release of muscle tightness, relief from anxiety and tensions, and balancing aspects of body/mind/spirit.
Hot basalt stones are used to provide a relaxing massage that also has many healing properties. The use of hot stones allows a therapist to give a deep, penetrating massage that increases blood flow will help clear out toxins and assist in healing an injured or strained area. Cold Marble stones are excellent because they promote circulation and act as a powerful decongestant for the body. By promoting circulation, a cold stone treatment can ease inflamed tissues, decrease muscle spasms, and can reduce swelling or fluid build-up.

Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. It enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, and relieves mental and physical fatigue
In a typical session, the lower legs and feet are stretched and massaged to open Sen (energy). Then specific pressure points, which stem from 10 major energy lines that run throughout the body, are stimulated. These pressure points provide a map of the entire body and organs. Through skillful manipulation of the soles of the feet, Thai foot massage helps the body restore its own natural healthy balance.

The hot compress or herbal ball massage has been practiced in Thailand for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The unique combination of specific herbs and heat work to relax and invigorate the body and mind, soothing sore and overworked muscles while boosting energy and reducing inflammation.
MPS Therapy is the application of the Dolphin Neurostim to therapeutically integrative protocols. MPS applies brief, concentrated DC microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points to relax muscles, calm the nervous system and release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. When MPS is applied to pathology influencing all three systems — nervous, muscular and endocrine — making MPS therapy effective for treating many chronic and acute soft-tissue pain conditions.
Scar Release therapy (SRT) is a technique that involves applying MPS Therapy to each side of visible scars with microcurrent therapy to “repolarize” the local tissue and release fascia and muscles influenced by the scar.
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Monday - Friday 9am-9pm
Saturday - Sunday 10-5